Pilgrim Agreement before Plymouth

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Pilgrim Agreement before Plymouth

Pilgrim Agreement Before Plymouth: The Mayflower Compact

Before the iconic Plymouth settlement, the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower had to first establish a form of government to ensure order and unity. This was done through an agreement they called the Mayflower Compact.

But what exactly is the Mayflower Compact and why is it significant?

In September 1620, the Mayflower set sail from England to the New World. Among its passengers were Pilgrims, a group of separatists who left England to escape religious persecution. They intended to settle in Virginia, but due to strong winds and storms, the ship was blown off course and landed in what is now known as Massachusetts.

Before disembarking, the Pilgrims agreed to establish a civil government and obey its laws. To do this, they drafted and signed the Mayflower Compact on November 11, 1620.

The Mayflower Compact was a document that established a social contract among the settlers. It bound them to form a government and obey its laws for the greater good of the group. It also recognized that the purpose of their voyage was to spread Christianity and advance the glory of their king and country.

This agreement was significant for several reasons. First, it provided a framework for self-government, which was essential for the survival of the settlement. The Pilgrims recognized the need for a system of laws and a governing body to ensure order and protect them from potential conflicts.

Second, the Mayflower Compact was the first document of its kind in America. It established a democratic government, where the people had a say in the laws that governed their lives. This concept of self-rule would later become a cornerstone of American society and politics.

Finally, the Mayflower Compact was a demonstration of the Pilgrims` commitment to their faith. By pledging to obey the laws of a civil government, they were recognizing the authority of a worldly institution. This was a departure from the traditional view of the church as the ultimate authority, and showed a willingness to compromise for the greater good.

In conclusion, the Mayflower Compact was a crucial step in the establishment of America as we know it today. Its principles of self-rule, social contract, and compromise continue to shape our society and government. As we celebrate Thanksgiving and remember the Pilgrims` journey, it`s important to recognize the significance of the Mayflower Compact in American history.