Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Advanced

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Subject Verb Agreement Quiz Advanced

Subject verb agreement is a critical aspect of English grammar, and advanced level quizzes can help improve your proficiency in this area. In this article, we will explore the importance of subject verb agreement, the rules to follow, and provide an advanced level quiz to test your knowledge.

Why is Subject Verb Agreement Important?

Subject verb agreement is essential for clear and effective communication. When subjects and verbs don`t agree, sentences can become confusing and difficult to understand. This can lead to misunderstandings, incorrect interpretations, and lost meaning.

For example, consider the following sentence: “The group of birds flies over the lake.” Since “group” is a singular subject, the verb “flies” should be singular as well. If the sentence was written as “The group of birds fly over the lake,” it would be incorrect and make the sentence hard to understand.

Rules for Subject Verb Agreement

The rules for subject verb agreement in English grammar can be challenging, especially for non-native speakers. However, once you understand the basic guidelines, it becomes much easier to apply them correctly.

Here are some rules to follow:

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.

2. Indefinite pronouns such as “everyone” and “anyone” are singular and require singular verbs.

3. Collective nouns such as “team” and “family” can take either singular or plural verbs, depending on the context.

4. Compound subjects connected by “and” are usually plural and require plural verbs.

5. When a subject and the verb are separated by intervening words, the verb must agree with the subject, not the intervening words.

Advanced Level Quiz

Now that you understand the importance of subject verb agreement and the basic rules, it`s time to put your knowledge to the test with this advanced level quiz.

1. The group of students (has, have) been studying for the exams for weeks.

2. The singers, as well as their manager, (is, are) expected to arrive tomorrow.

3. Neither the teacher nor the students (knows, know) the answer to the question.

4. Each of the employees (is, are) entitled to a bonus for their hard work.

5. The number of people who (has, have) visited the park this year is astounding.

Answers: 1. has, 2. is, 3. knows, 4. is, 5. have


Subject verb agreement is an essential component of English grammar, and mastering it can help you communicate more precisely and effectively. By following the rules and practicing with quizzes like the one provided above, you can improve your proficiency and take your writing to the next level.